
We’d love to hear from you about our services and support. If you’d like to feedback to us you can contact us on

If you would like to feedback a compliment, comment or make a complaint an overview of our policy is below. If you would like to receive a copy of our policy, please contact us on The following outlines the process and what you can expect from us.



We will feedback your compliment to the staff members and volunteers involved and use any learning from the compliment to inform service development.


We will review your comment and use any reflections on how support and services were delivered to improve and develop them.


We will deal with any complaint as quickly and as openly as possible. It will be taken seriously, formally investigated and appropriate action taken.

You will be informed, in writing, of the outcome of the investigation and of any action that will be taken which we are able to share.

How to provide feedback

Employees, volunteers or clients who wish to submit a comment, complaint or compliment concerning any aspect of RSACC’s work, a member of the staff or volunteer team you can do this by contacting us in the following ways:

  • Email –
  • Address – RSACC, PO Box 106, Darlington, DL3 7YS
  • Phone – 01325 354 119

You can submit your comment, complaint or compliment verbally or in writing by post or email.

If you require support in submitting a comment, complaint or compliment please be reassured that we will support you in any way we can to work toward a solution with which you feel comfortable. This may involve the support of one of our staff team, or support from an appropriate independent advocacy person/agency agreed with you.  Please contact RSACC’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to discuss this 01325 354119.

If your comment, complaint or compliment is regarding the CEO please mark it as for the attention of the Chair of Trustees.

Next steps

We will confirm receipt of your comments, compliments and complaints within 10 working days.

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