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Recovery Toolkit

Our Recovery Toolkits are now available for those who have experienced Domestic Violence and Sexual Violence.   If you are interested and want to add your name to the list, Email us at:

In the meantime, if you need support please call our Emotional Support Services where trained staff will be able to support you.

The Recovery Toolkit is a 12 week course which aims to provide you with all the knowledge you need to recover from the effects of living with domestic abuse or sexual violence.

The Domestic Violence course is designed for women who have left an abusive partner and the Sexual Violence course is for those who have experienced sexual violence. Our definition of women-only includes trans women and non-binary people who identify women’s services as being right for them.

The course will cover:

  • How your thoughts affect the way you feel
  • How to increase confidence and self-esteem
  • Understanding power and control in an abusive relationship
  • Boundaries and trust: protect ourselves and those we love

Referrals can be made by telephone or email directly to RSACC.

Contact our Emotional Support Services

0300 222 5730 or email

For times and days go to Talk to Us – our Emotional Support Services page

You are not alone

We are here to help you and, no matter how hard it may seem, we will get there together.


  • The training sessions were engaging, very informative and eye opening.  The information on the statistics and range of services was very useful to know as they helped understand the scale and difficulties with sexual violence etc.

  • I am no longer hiding from life and I have learned to say yes and no. I now do things for me!

  • It’s made me a happier, stronger, more confident, positive person!

  • My time here has been so helpful to me. Having time to step back and look at some of the difficult things that have happened in my life and recognise I have strength has been so precious to me. I am so thankful for being able to access such an amazing safe haven! You have given me the opportunity to step back and breathe again. I feel like a stronger person, able to face the world and live again. I am empowered!

  • Just a quick note to say thank you for listening to me and helping me to rebuild my life. I feel happy and like I am ready to live again. Life is good. I never thought I would feel this good again. Talking has helped me through the darkness and to clear out the weeds in my life. Now my life looks sunnier and I have much to look forward to. I also have real flowers in my garden now. So it shows things can change.

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